去新西兰学习3年每天要服用2颗抗抑郁症药Escitalopram O来自xalate

心理健康 抑郁症 74 0

去新西兰学习3年每天要服用2颗抗抑郁症药Escitalopram O来自xalate  抗抑郁症药物 第1张

I just rang up NZ customs for you, they told me you are not allowed to bring more than 3 months worth of tablets, and please bring your 宗找doctors prescrition along with you (don't need to translate into English, and k复田苗算eep all the tablets in their original packaging, some of the officers can read chinese).

You are NOT allowed to im星杆菜容益port them from China, you need to go to Local doctor (General 供市击烧沿杆须Practionaer, GP)to get your prescription after you finsh your 3 months prescription from China.

Are you on a student Visa? you can enquire this at your student h听叫米律的缩ealth Advisor.(university Clinic)

I understand it's very hard for people with depression/anxie赶ty to deal with new environme假玉来排判nt. I will try my best to help you. Sorry cannot type Chinese here.

All the best.

标签: 抗抑郁症药物